

As a model project, we are in a continuous process of learning and development. Critical self-examination, documentation and evaluation take on a special significance. During educational trips to other European countries, in workshops, at interface meetings, new narratives, methods and best practice examples are discovered again and again. These findings, experiences and possibilities for action are bundled, processed and published in reports.

Article published: Let people participate in art?

In the publication "WORK FROM SCRATCH, WORK ON EDGE?", Gabi Reinhardt and Frauke Wetzel describe their experiences as artistic directors of the festival "Der Rahmen ist Programm" 2022, one of our cultural productions. In their article "Let people participate in art?", they examine the relationship between art and participation and [...]

stefan heym as keynote speaker

I consider a utopia as something, that you cannot forgo, says the stunningly lifelike appearing puppet of Stefan Heym, which spoke on the event "Wir sind Viele" of the theaters of Chemnitz. Stefan Heym does not live anymore, but what if he was? If he would be asked, [...]

Focus Groups. A new method for us.

We use focus groups for the further development of our model project. Focus groups are interviews with specifically selected participants. We use them, for example, to test the impact or accessibility of new cultural formats: How is a theatre play about female contract workers received by people from the community? [...]

Talking about Chemnitz. An Uprising.

Talking about Chemnitz– the magazine In 2017 we started the project "new undiscov_red narratives". Since then, we have been asking: Which narratives, new or undiscovered, create meaning and provide orientation to shape a modern society in a diverse and peaceful way? We have summarized and edited our work and projects [...]

Good practice from Germany: Undiscovered neighbours NSU

An art festival has shed light on networks and structures of neo-Nazi group National Socialist Undergorund (NSU) which murdered 10 people. However, the situation was not really discussed in German society and therefore activists wanted to address the topic through art.

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