Unentdeckte Nachbarn

Together with many actors from various organizations and associations from the Erzgebirgskreis, we brought the Open Process exhibition to the Erzgebirge. In summer 2023, parts of the exhibition were on display at the Theater Variabel in Olbernhau and the Alte Brauerei in Annaberg.

We also organized a supporting programme in Annaberg-Buchholz, Aue-Bad Schlema, Olbernhau and Stollberg and offered guided tours of the exhibition at the exhibition locations. Not only the NSU’s circle of supporters – which was largely located in the western Erzgebirge district – was to play a role, but also topics such as racism, homophobia, the Eastern perspective, the Erzgebirge’s sense of tradition as well as church influences in right-wing circles and other forms of discrimination were highlighted. We asked ourselves why there is so much breeding ground for conspiracy theories and hatred here in particular and what narratives are needed to tell the stronger stories of unity and highlight the commonalities within society.

A review of the program of the event series can be found here.

Alte Brauerei Annaberg
Theater Burattino Stollberg
Theater Variabel Olbernhau
Kompetenzzentrum für Gemeinwesenarbeit und Engagement (KGE) Aue
Agenda Alternativ e.V.

Featured image: Isabell Scheithauer