“Der Rahmen ist Programm” („The frame is the program“) takes place for five days in June 2022 and 364 days before that. The “Der Rahmen ist Programm”-team wants to try our new ways of participation, open itself up and tries to endure inconsistencies. The “Verband der Freien Darstellenden Künste in Chemnitz e.V.“ (Association of free performing Arts in Chemnitz) and its members are going to shape this festival in June 2022 as an active cooperation partner together with new undiscov_red narratives (nun). The festival taking place in Chemnitz is part of the associaton festivalfriends, which is a joint initiative of the “Verbund regionaler Festivals der freien darstellenden Künste” (association of regional festivals in free performing arts), constituted by the Performing Arts Festival (Berlin), 6 Tage frei (Suttgart/Baden-Wuerttemberg), Hauptsache Frei (Hamburg), RODEO (Munich), FAVORITEN (Dortmund/North Rhine-Westphalia) and IMPLANTIEREN (Frankfurt/Rhine-Main-region).

Picture: Fabian Thüroff