After its premier in November of 2021 the production So glücklich, dass du Angst bekommst (UA) will be performed regularly in the puppet theater Chemnitz and will accompanied with a discourse program during its runtime. In cooperation with new undiscov_red narratives 2025 there will be panel discussions, movie screenings as well as musical und artistic interventions amongst other things. With that a space for interpersonal encounters and the exchange of knowledge or experiences is created. It starts as of March 2022 in the new stage.

From the accompanying project Wir sind auch das Volk! of ASA-FF e.V., supported by the foundation Aufarbeitung, the program #JugendErinnert and the Förderung des Fonds Soziokultur aus dem Programm der eauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM) “NEUSTART KULTUR”, workshops and mediation formats with students as well a mobile application arise. The will be launched in spring of 2022.

– The game designers of Causa Creations (in cooperation with nun) developed an app, which presents the stories of contract workers and simultaneously transmits knowledge about this kind of work in general. To accomplish the development students are invited to help fashion the content, make experiences in game design and stuff the digital space with their recherche and questions.

– A theatrical laboratory for students and other interested people is planned forwinter/spring of 2022. Together with nun, the museum Zeitgeschichtliches Forum LeipzigRock your life! Chemnitz e.V. and Courage-Werkstatt für demokratische Bildungsarbeit e.V. they will explore at the puppet theatre Chemnitz how work leaves its mark on our lifes and which role migration, racism and equality play at that .

– Following on this project Courage-Werkstatt für demokratische Bildungsarbeit e.V.Netzstelle Chemnitz (NDC Sachsen – Netzwerk für Demokratie und Courage in Sachsen) created a workshop on the history of former contract workers, (anti-Asian) racism and acting bold. They will offer it as of this octobre.

In this contribution you will find more information about th app.