Talking about Chemnitz. An Uprising.

Talking about Chemnitz– the magazine

In 2017 we started the project “new undiscov_red narratives”. Since then, we have been asking: Which narratives, new or undiscovered, create meaning and provide orientation to shape a modern society in a diverse and peaceful way?

We have summarized and edited our work and projects of the last couple of years into a magazine. The overall theme is: What  have we learned and what can be done better – as a handout to reflect and to do better!

In the last years we have developed a methodology that brings together cultural producers, civil society actors, scientists, artists, houses and administrations in Chemnitz for the realization of cultural productions. During this time we have brought artists from all over the world to Chemnitz, organized two festivals in the city Aufstand der Geschichten (Uprising of Histories) and Aufstand der Utopien (Uprising of Utopias). We have celebrated, clamored, danced, learned. We traveled to cities with similar stories, problems and ideas as Chemnitz, to Budapest, Manchester and Rotterdam. We have grown into a network of more than 40 partners. We have also made mistakes, sometimes exhausted ourselves, and have by no means achieved everything we set out to do. But that still can happen.

Talking about Chemnitz. An Uprising is promotiong our work, but it’s by no means a self-adulation. It is primarily addressed to the people who want to work in the city they live in on a future they love. We present all the things we’ve done, how and why we did it the way we did, what went wrong, what we’ve learned from others, what others might be able to learn from us, and what’s next for the “new undiscov_red narratives” project.

You can download the magazine here.



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