Wandertag im Weltraum – Digital Live Theater
A school excursion in times of Corona. Not possible? But of course it is! Namely into space together with the Puppet Theater Chemnitz and ASA-FF. The digital live play Wandertag im Weltraum takes a look at the world from outside and playfully asks questions about the big topics of our time. The students get into contact out of their classroom. Together with an alien from a galaxis far away and an astronaut from the International Space Station they explore planet earth. The alien is looking for mammoths. But after his last visit their has been a lot going on at the blue planet. It becomes clear for the extraterrestrial: There are problemes. – Can he help? A exciting walk in space for school classes of grades 2 to 5.
Wandertag im Weltraum comes directly into schools in form of a digital theater. Not pre-produced movie, but real theater, in which the stage becomes a film studio and a broadcast center. Blue Screen technology and four cameras catapult our actors/actresses and and your class into space. The students are asked to particpate in the play. In interactive units they have a say in the course of the plot and can showcase their knowledge. Only theater can do that.
Wandertag im Weltraum is bookable in two different scenarios: The class can attend jointly with beamer and camera or the students can connect individualy with their laptops or tablets. The live play is usable in all scenarios. We opt for the BigBlueButton technology aprooved bei the Saxonian controller of data protection. The schools do not have to install additional software, but everthing works with the browsers Firefox or Chrome. An easy access to reach the digital play fast.
- Fotos: Nasser Hashemi
Contact for booking:
Ina Baldauf, baldauf@theater-chemnitz.de
Additional informacions:
To the homepage of “Wandertag im Weltraum”
To the page of the project
“Wandertag im Weltraum” wins the audience price
The program new undiscov_red narratives 2025 is supported by the Federal program Demokratie leben!, Weltoffenes Sachsen and co-financed by the institution “Kulturraum Chemnitz”.