
What public events are taking place next? Where are we present? Where and when are we looking for new partners? Find out about our latest news and dates here:

New Date: How stories help us to overcome our powerlessness Storytelling Workshop with Georg Blokus (School of Political Hope)

How stories help us to overcome our powerlessness Storytelling Workshop with Georg Blokus (School of Political Hope) Friday, September 23, 9:30 a.nm. -5 p.m. Ort: Stadtwirtschaft, Jakobstraße 46, Chemnitz Register until September 10 latest. Please let us know what we can do to help you participate (e.g., childcare, language assistance, other barriers). Corona protection: Please come tested! We live in a world that confronts us daily with deep feelings of [...]

Workshop “Das beste Publikum!”

We cordially invite you: Fri., 8.4. 4:30 PM - max. 8:30 PM Sat., 9.4. 10 AM - 2 PM + 3:30 PM - 7:30 PM maximum 8 participants per tour Start Bürgerhaus City, Rosenhof 18 (tbc.) Registration The best audience! - Workshop by Frl. Wunder AG Art is in the eye of the beholder. The Chemnitz Festival for Performing Arts The frame is program therefore needs an audience that watches [...]

We are looking for participants for our research lab in April!

We are looking for participants for our research lab on the production So glücklich, dass du Angst bekommst. We will deal with the topics Work - Migration - Equal Opportunities in two separate blocks and are looking for school classes that would like to conduct research on the topic of work and anti-Asian racism on April 26 or 27: We want to find out with one class each on April [...]

Focus Groups. A new method for us.

We use focus groups for the further development of our model project. Focus groups are interviews with specifically selected participants. We use them, for example, to test the impact or accessibility of new cultural formats: How is a theatre play about female contract workers received by people from the community? How easily can people with disabilities take part within barrier-free formats? Reaching different target groups is important for us. It’s [...]

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