We are looking for participants for our research lab on the production So glücklich, dass du Angst bekommst.
We will deal with the topics Work – Migration – Equal Opportunities in two separate blocks and are looking for school classes that would like to conduct research on the topic of work and anti-Asian racism on April 26 or 27:
We want to find out with one class each on April 26 and 27 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. together with the Chemnitz-based association ROCK YOUR LIFE! what good work means to you and what equal opportunities look like in Germany.
From there, we will take a look at anti-Asian racism with the speaker Vũ Vân Phạm and deal with its multi-layered levels and areas.
Interested people of all ages who would like to do research on the topic of contract work in the GDR on April 23:
In as diverse a group as possible, on April 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., we want to work with the Zeitgeschichtliches Forum Leipzig to shed light on the history of contract work in the GDR, search for memories, and learn about personal stories.
No special prior knowledge is needed or expected for either workshop format!
We would like to make the research lab as barrier-free as possible – so please let us know your needs.
You can register by e-mail to Anna Hübner.
For the production So glücklich, dass du Angst bekommst, for which both puppeteers and Chemnitz women from Vietnam are on stage, there is an accompanying mediation program in cooperation with nun. This includes a theater-pedagogical research laboratory on the topic of Work – Migration – Equal Opportunities, which is being organized in cooperation between neue unentd_ckte narrative 2025, the Zeitgeschichtliches Forum Leipzig and the association ROCK YOUR LIFE! Chemnitz e.V. is being created.
The research lab will take place in April and is aimed at both school classes and interested people of all ages.